Before visiting the famed floating city, I was inundated with all sorts of opinions about Venice, some LOVED it, some claimed that it was overhyped and others found it dirty. However, what no one failed to tell me was that it snows in Venice on some occasions. Even after seeing countless pictures of Venice on Instagram or other social media channels, never once did I come across this floating Italian city clad in snow. So, imagine my surprise, when I witnessed snow-cloaked Venice at the end of February – I was mind blown!
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Italy Checklist
Snow in Venice
Till then, I was chasing cold weather throughout my travels in Italy. To be more precise, first in Rome, and then in Florence – the temperatures were the lowest they had seen in years. Italy in February was supposed to be pleasant, and one of the best time to visit. Unlike the summer months when it can be unbearably hot. Yet, it wasn’t the Italy I got to witness!
Furthermore, I had many problems right from the onset of this trip, like I had not yet received my check-in baggage even after five days into the trip (thanks to Kuwait Airways), followed by forex card getting stuck in an ATM in Florence. My shoes got torn from all the walking, and had to buy a new one! Also, I didn’t have the clothes appropriate for the weather with me (it was in the check-in baggage), and I was miserable.
It felt like I was taking part in an obstacle course!
My mind was clouded with many doubts, and honestly, I didn’t enjoy much of my trip.
Not until I saw Venice. When I witnessed snow clad Venice from my train window, my issues didn’t seem to matter anymore. Covered in a white blanket of snow, Venice seemed more magical than ever! I was beyond belief that even in the realms of the digital era, I was able to experience something I haven’t seen or heard before. Which as you all know is not so easy these days!
I was under the impression that you should be really living under a rock to gain an entirely fresh perspective on one of most of the popular tourist destinations in the world!
But, travel surprises you like that!
It was a surreal moment, no less, and my mind was filled with so many breathtaking views of Venice that there was no place for worrying about my problems!
I left Venice as a happy soul, with a lot of memories packed in a single day.
Now, it’s time to let the pictures do the talking!
Snowclad Venice in Pictures

Watching snow in Venice made me instantly fall in love with the city! I mean, how could I not! Would you be surprised if I say that it is now one of my favorite cities in the world?

I was just passing by Venice and had only a day to spare here. I stopped by at the Grand Canal, visited many Campos, a local market, tried Venetian seafood. Also went to glass making and oar making workshops, and sampled local Tiramisu. Visited St. Mark’s Square, the cathedral, and Belltower for its panoramic views. In addition, did some souvenir shopping as well.
Looking to sample local Italian food in Italy? Check out this Italian food Guide now.

However, I wasn’t planning on going on a Gondola ride as it’s quite pricey according to online forums – something around 100 EUR. I didn’t think it was worth the price, so I had no qualms about skipping it. It was only later when my friend who was in Venice claimed that she paid 30 EUR for a shared Gondola ride for about an hour, I regretted my decision. Also, it broke my heart to leave Venice so soon. Oh well, another excuse to visit Venice again!
If you’d like to make the most of your day in Venice, I went on a tour with the local Wanderjacks and they helped me in finding just the right things to do in Venice and explore Venice like a local.
On the other hand, if you are curious on what Venice looks like in December, then go take a look!
Have you ever been privy to Venice when it was cloaked in snow? Or any other surreal moments you’d like to share?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

6 CommentsKaylene Isherwood
Jun 2, 2018Ahh I love Venice. It was actually the first solo trip I ever did. I was there in the summer so would love to see it in the snow now 🙂 Beautiful photos!
Raksha Rao
Jun 4, 2018Thanks, Kaylene. It is indeed beautiful clad in snow!
Jun 2, 2018You are absolutely right, Venice is an amazing city and absolutely gorgeous all the time. I’ve never seen it covered in snow. It looks even more magical! Thanks for the great share!
Raksha Rao
Jun 4, 2018Thanks Michelle for stopping by 🙂
Jun 2, 2018Such incredible photos! Venice is definitely on my bucket list. I wouldn’t mind doing the gondola ride! So romantic
Raksha Rao
Jun 4, 2018I would so go for the Gondola ride when I happen to visit Venice again. Preferably in offseason. So less crowded then!